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65 16 July 2023, 19:54

Well, I intended to do a build log on this one but that didn't happen. I took a break for 5 months before getting back to finishing it. This is my first metal finish plane and I learned a lot, but it's not perfect. I'm pleased with the results nonetheless. I typically take pictures on both a white and a black background because the color and details show differently on each, so that's why there might be repetitive poses.
2 January 2024, 22:53

Looking sharp as always! Is that a propeller on the front of that thing? Very excellent work!
29 January 2024, 15:40

Thanks for all the nice comments! The more I look at this model, the more I like it. I might continue to build props instead of jets. We'll see!
31 January 2024, 22:49

Nice exterior, but I love the detail work you did on the interior, too.
1 February 2024, 02:18

Thanks, Jennifer and Kenneth!
@Kenneth - I used AK Xtreme Metal. I love the AK Real Color line so I thought I would try their Xtreme's as well.
1 February 2024, 16:16

Thanks; looks good, will give a try too! Did you apply any clear coat on top, and if so, which type? The metallic look is remarkably well preserved.
1 February 2024, 16:23

I used Tamiya X-22 over the top before and after decals. On accident, I discovered that wet sanding to remove some dust particles would alter the look of the finish, even with another coat of X-22 to get it perfectly smooth. I tried touching up the metal finish with the same paint, but it didn't get back to a pristine look and instead looked like what you would get from post-shading. At first this scared me, but I realized it really added to the weathering effect I wanted in the first place. To keep with the weathered and used appearance, I finished everything with a coat of AK Satin.
1 February 2024, 16:39

Very nicely done, Casey. I love the NMF finish and the subtle weathering. I also see that this kit would probably be the better option as the MENG I choose. The MENG shows panels and rivets on the wings and the are not accurate as not existing on the real plane. But to say it again: very very nicely done 👍👍👍
1 February 2024, 17:17