AlbertoThat is just superb, well done!
24 October 2023, 17:52
24 October 2023, 18:11
JohnA beauty. I love the oil drips/streaks from the exhaust area too.
24 October 2023, 18:35
VincentGreat looking plane. Very nice scheme!!!
24 October 2023, 19:25
Mr JamesSame as Vincent, great weathering too
24 October 2023, 23:03
NeulingImpressive paintwork and weathering!
25 October 2023, 11:09
CaptGPFI agree, great job!
25 October 2023, 14:21
Lothar Linke Autorthank you all for your comments. very thankful
26 October 2023, 02:50
Shar DipreeGreat work. Very nice painting and weathering.
26 October 2023, 04:26
Rui SExcellent work 👍
27 October 2023, 22:47
Lothar Linke AutorThank you for your kind words Rui S and Shar Dipree
2 November 2023, 06:45