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Mel Mel (Mel06 )

Meng F-18F Super Hornet 1:48 WIP

Photo 1 of 179


33 21 November 2023, 20:15
Maciej Bellos
 22 November 2023, 18:38
Mel Mel Autor
Thank you!!! 🙂
 22 November 2023, 18:39
Jos Jansen
 4 December 2023, 09:43
Sergej I
Looking good, thanks for sharing the photos 👍
 11 December 2023, 18:55
Mel Mel Autor
Thanks you so much guys!!
 12 December 2023, 13:31
Looks good. Have you been satisfied with the Meng kit?
 23 December 2023, 22:16
Mel Mel Autor
Hello JBK, the truth is that I am satisfied in general and I recommend the kit if you want a 1:48 SH, the only con is that there are mismatches in the front and rear of the fuselage but they are minimal, with sandpaper and a little putty It is solved, the Meng plastic is very docile and works very well, everything else is excellent, really.

Except in my case the kit did not come with the photo-etched part of the engine, it did not come with the canopy mask and it did not come with the metal tubes for the pylons (the store told me it was Meng's fault and it is very strange) I am Wait for Meng to send you the missing pieces and the store to send them to me.

and as a personal appreciation (that is already a personal wish of mine) I would like Tamiya to launch a Super Hornet at 1:32, but dreaming is free and they still don't charge taxes for it, so I will continue dreaming XD
 24 December 2023, 13:22
Alec K
Very inspirational. I am dying to know how you pulled off that dirty effect (pic 113)?
 25 December 2023, 18:26
Mel Mel Autor
Hello Alec, very simple with a brush to make dots with a mixture of 502 shadow brown oils, engine grease and copper oxide blue, then dots on top of the fuselage, then with a small brush lightly wet with ak odorless thinner and apply it little by little.
 25 December 2023, 20:11
Alec K
Thank you 👍
 26 December 2023, 04:02
Mel Mel Autor
This afternoon, unfortunately, I had an accident with the kit, I accidentally damaged the flap parts, what's happening? It is a catastrophic damage and I cannot repair it, I have to ask Meng's after-sales service to send me the meshes with those pieces and it will take 3 months to arrive, at the moment the project is paralyzed, I will save it and start another project, I cannot continue, today I'm a little in a bad mood
 26 December 2023, 20:58
Alec K
Damn, that sucks. So sorry to hear, I had a similar situation recently with my build. It seems the closer I get to finish line, the higher the probability I screw up 😄 😄 😄
 28 December 2023, 14:19
Mel Mel Autor
Hi Alec K. yes, 🙁 The truth is that I am in a bad mood, but hey, I have saved it, I will continue it but when I have the spare parts, now I will continue with other kits
 30 December 2023, 11:45

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