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Vicente Sánchez Navarro (VSN77 )

Revell B-17F Flying Fortress

Photo 1 of 7


9 22 November 2023, 10:02

Album info

Old B-17 forgotten in a box never finished. I reglued all parts, put Tamiya putty in seams and also Vallejo putty. Masked all windows and two layers of grey surface primer from Vallejo, the first layer is to see correctly where the seam needs to be improved with putty or sand more.

7 imagini
In progres
1:72 B-17 F Flying Fortress (Revell 04395)
Boeing B-17F Flying Fortress
US US Army Air Forces (1941-1947)
401 BS, 91 BG, 1 CBW LL-E / 425729 Buccaneer
1943 - RAF Bassingbourn GB
FS33070 FS36173

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