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mahyar bahrampoor (mahyar59)

mahyar models

Photo 1 of 27


31 October 2011, 12:31
Holger Kranich
Hey, nice collection, mayhar! I like the F-14 alot!
 31 October 2011, 12:48
mahyar bahrampoor Autor
hi and tanks me too
 31 October 2011, 12:50
mahyar bahrampoor Autor
you have a good models is very nice
 31 October 2011, 12:52
Holger Kranich
Your Chinook is nice, too. What scale is that? 1:48?
 31 October 2011, 12:54
Holger Kranich
Thank you!
 31 October 2011, 12:55
mahyar bahrampoor Autor
no italeri 1:72
 31 October 2011, 12:56
Holger Kranich
1:72??? Wow, its very nice painted and i didnt expected that it is so small! Nice work!🙂
 31 October 2011, 12:58
mahyar bahrampoor Autor
thank you
 31 October 2011, 13:12
Aghis Barberopoulos
Quite a collection you have there!!!
 22 September 2012, 17:47
Frank Krause
Eeeeh, that's a nice mix of models. I love photo no. 23!
 22 September 2012, 18:11
Burkhard D
Tomcat and Phantom side-by-side in IRIAF camo, just gorgeous 🙂
 22 September 2012, 19:26
Shahriar Khalvati
kheyli ghasangan
faghat ye soal,in mashin o tractoraye dorobaresh ro khodet sakhty ya kharidi?
bazam migam.kheyli ghashangan.
 5 September 2013, 16:01
mahyar bahrampoor Autor
ba tashkor az shoma doost aziz aqha shariar in adavat 1:72 hasagava mibashd
 8 September 2013, 04:38
soheil moghisi
very nice.
 8 September 2013, 07:10
Shahriar Khalvati
mishe beporsam az koja tahiye kardid?
 8 September 2013, 09:09
mahyar bahrampoor Autor
dar hal hazer kasi in advat ro dige nadare moteassefaneh
 8 September 2013, 11:10

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