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行 渡 (Adair)


Photo 1 of 28


15 19 January 2024, 14:55
Jörg Schäfer
Nice results. 👍
 19 January 2024, 17:07
行 渡 Autor
Thank you for encouragement!
 19 January 2024, 17:10
Rui S
Looking great 👍
 10 March 2024, 18:06

Album info

Built based on Trumpeter 05358, as my first RC scale model, it's where the dream starts.
(Majority of this ship's photos were lost due to storage device damage and unfortunatly the ship herself was also lost in an accident.)
A new Bismarck is underconstruction.

28 imagini
1:350 Bismarck (Trumpeter 05358)1:350 German Battleship Bismarck super detail set (ChuanYu Model Ship CYE022)1:350 Kriegsmarine 20mm Flak C 38 (Bunker Studio WS35002)1+

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