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71 31 January 2024, 20:22

Grabbing a seat. Not only for the joy of watching the build but for the dim chance that I might be able to replicate a couple of Ronan's details (in 48th of course!)
31 January 2024, 21:23

Many thanks mates
I think the 1/48th sea harrier fa2 IS far better thanks this so it will be easier to add details.😂
1 February 2024, 09:18

Three days and the fuselage is already attached to the wings! This is a jumping start! 😂
1 February 2024, 14:13

Oh Patrick, no... the kit was started some weeks earlier 😉
Three days is just the time required to see what wrong and what is right 😄
1 February 2024, 15:53

😄 Pfew... I know I'm a slow builder but I got a bit anxious about your building tempo. 😉
1 February 2024, 20:52

In fact, I spent a week retouching the engraving of the panel lines, the engraving is too deep for this scale and often misplaced. The cockpit needs to be redone, as well as the nose landing gear. The ejection seat is to be replaced by a resin seat as well as the outriggers at the wingtip. The fairing on the fin must be corrected, the windshield must be raised. The air intakes are missing behind the canopy ...
2 February 2024, 10:54

@Ronan, thx for pointing the imperfections out. I was already suspicious about these latest Airfix kits. too many details off for that price point imo.
2 February 2024, 20:16

I can only agree. I got the FRS.1 recently and was thoroughly disappointed.
But I am sure Ronan will fix what there is to fix. 🙂
2 February 2024, 20:45

Did you use resin exhausts or did you sand the kits ones into shape?
12 February 2024, 21:58

Many thanks 😉
initially I wanted to put AIM-120 missiles on the exterior pylons but I can't find the right intermediate support: the airfix one is not good and neither is the eduard one so that's why there is no nothing under the exterior pylons
13 February 2024, 19:52

Tibor, you don't wanna know. You really don't.
Harrier T4 RAF | Album by Ronan (1:72)
The answer is there - in case curiosity gets the better of you.
27 February 2024, 18:00

Many thanks, mates 👍
We can do a lot of things with a little brush 😉
27 February 2024, 20:39

Another outstanding build, and never mind the kit's shortfalls 🙂. Well done 👍
28 February 2024, 12:40