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Mohammad Adl
Mohammad Adl


Photo 1 of 41


2 February 2013, 19:38
babak chalangi
good work 👍
 2 February 2013, 21:35
Vorya hidaryan
 2 February 2013, 22:12
Mohammad Adl Autor
thx Babak😉
 3 February 2013, 07:05
Mohammad Adl Autor
thx Vorya😉
 3 February 2013, 07:06
Tim Vereecke
nice work!
 3 February 2013, 08:12
Mohammad Adl Autor
thx Tim 🙂
 3 February 2013, 10:49
Alireza Fotovati
your work is great specially in cutting flaps and making your missiles.
Your illustration for painting the camouflages is great also.
I hope the best for you and waiting to see your future works.
 4 February 2013, 07:26
Luc B
 4 February 2013, 17:52
Mohammad Adl Autor
Thanks Alireza Fotovati for your compliment. I`m really grateful to your attention. 🙂
 6 February 2013, 17:19
Mohammad Adl Autor
Thx Luc B😉
 6 February 2013, 17:19
kamal sabokbar
very good
 10 February 2013, 12:08
Christian Lehmann
Realy nice result
 10 February 2013, 13:31
Roland Roth
The end result, Mohammad, convincing in every respect. 👍
I especially like the desert camouflage
 10 February 2013, 14:10
Nice Build Mohammad Adl
 10 February 2013, 14:43
neil kerr
nice one man
 10 February 2013, 15:09
Mohammad Adl Autor
Thanks kamal sabokbar and Thanks Christian Lehmann 🙂
 10 February 2013, 20:30
Mohammad Adl Autor
Thanks Gerald Willing and neil kerr and Thanks to all of you for your friendly comments.
 10 February 2013, 20:32
Mohammad Adl Autor
Thx Roland Roth. That`s very kind of you. 🙂
 10 February 2013, 20:34
Dirk mokarkh
Impressive work.congratulations Mohammad! 🙂
 3 April 2013, 07:47

Album info

I made this model during about 15 days. This model is 1:48 scale. I made december in 2012. This model is with IDF (Israeli Defence Force) Camouflage. we Don`t have any decal IDF. But i tried painting some places.

41 imagini
1:48 F-16A/C Fighting Falcon (Academy 1688)

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