Grumman F6F-3 Hellcat, USS Lexington/ Eduard
11 May 2013, 11:09

This eduard Hellcat seems to be a great kit! I love your work on the pit! Keep us postet😢!
15 May 2013, 08:24

oh how great, the best F6F has the market ever seen in 48
I just had fun while building, unfortunately the weekend version
I'm curious what you're going to conjure
15 May 2013, 11:07

Hello guys,
thank you all for these friendly words! I have added some pictures of my Hellcat wearing preshading and something I would like to call "pre-lighting", Gunze H-316 has been applied on the underside.
The only authentic photograph of this bird known to me and the kits painting guide reveal a quite bleached tag number "OI (I?) which is faintly cognoscible. I decided to prepare this characteristic feature with black pastell-chalk. It will be oversprayed to the necessary grade of visibility during the next painting session.
16 May 2013, 14:14

Ricardo, Albi, thank you for your friendly words!
Gunze H-54 was used for the "Navy Blue" colour shade, I am going to mask this colour as I have done with the white lower side before applying "Intermediate Blue". To get soft edges the plane will be de-masked so I can make free hand boundaries between all three colours.
18 May 2013, 14:54

Added some pictures of the intention I have described above...
The odd "00I" numbering on the cowling is still faintly vivible; this plane will be shown in a weathered and used look, so there will be a lot more of pastell-work.
Application of the decals will be the next step!
19 May 2013, 07:30

Jan, the weathering had had to wait... But now all the decals have been applied, I am going for the dirt 🙂
23 May 2013, 18:48

Yes! I like the red framed insignia with the dark blue ... an real eye-catcher!
23 May 2013, 18:56

Thanks, I hope so!
I was particularly fond of this version, the red should bring colour into all that blue.
23 May 2013, 19:01

Hello guys,
all the colours, the weathering and the exhaust staining have been applied, next will be the attachment of the minor parts. The plastic exhausts have been changed for scratched ones made from cable isolation. I have added some pics of this. Next week will see the roll-out of this Hellcat....
28 May 2013, 16:25

Excellent Job! I wonder how pre-shading still is visible after so much paint!!
28 May 2013, 16:59

Hello Essi,
thank you for the encouragement!
I could imagine, it´s a combination of pre- and postshading... I love pastel´s for that.
Here are some pictures of the Hellcat in the home straight.
30 May 2013, 12:38

Hello Holger and Albi, your friendly words make me feel good!
31 May 2013, 06:46

Hallo Oliver, das freut mich!
Beim zweiten Projektbausatz, der Zugmaschine und hier vor allem bei der Figurengruppe bin ich noch etwas beim "rumeiern ", aber die Hellcat wird wohl bald fertig sein.
31 May 2013, 14:12

Hi, the Hellcat is on the loose by no... I would like to show you some pictures of the finished F6F.
Next I will post my -rather beginner like- attempts in figure-painting. That will finish that project.
8 June 2013, 07:11
Album info
Tamiyas Motor-Tug kit plus the figures will accompany that build- maybe it´s going to result in a sort of diorama...