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5 August 2013, 00:16

Didn't get a lot done on the Pz III but here's a little progress
12 August 2013, 22:06

my Pz III is coming along nicely was able to get the tracks done and the first coat of paint on
25 August 2013, 23:08

thanks Mike hopefully this weekend i will be able to get some camo on it i have already started on some figures. I'm thinking of depicting a 2nd Pz vehicle during Kursk like the box art i kind of like the crest
27 August 2013, 01:29

Sweet!! It seems to me when I made a Dragon Mk IV, the hinges for the hatches on the turret sides were incorrectly shown in the instructions?
Anyway, that is one sharp looking tank, no doubt!
27 August 2013, 01:29

Oh man i hope not i am leaving them open hopefully i dont have any issues but thank you for the heads up James
27 August 2013, 01:35

finally got back to the work bench this weekend didn't do a lot of work on this M bur did get the camo and decals on
23 September 2013, 00:35

William, the camo looks fantastic. Are those the Hungarian Army markings?
23 September 2013, 16:58

thank guys its getting there, @ Roy, its markings for the 2nd Pz Div at Kursk i believe its actually the crest of Vienna as most of the members of the Regt were from Austria
23 September 2013, 22:55

almost finished with the Ausf. M, just need to apply some pigments and and work on the details and it will be complete
6 October 2013, 23:29

Great job, William! The figures look very good, the mottling ist super - F***ing cool model, no doubt!🙂
7 October 2013, 11:49

thank you for the positive comments, figures are one of my many weak points but i have tried to get better at them this year and i suppose im on the right track, not there yet, need to keep practicing.
7 October 2013, 16:18

Yes figures we're my weak point but now I'm decent 😛 but you will get better and my weak spot now is the mud on tanks lol
7 October 2013, 19:12