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Mehmet SITKI ULUK (Korcan)

Revell Jagdpanther


1 22 May 2014, 09:08
Really nice job. Gary
 22 May 2014, 11:22
Mehmet SITKI ULUK Autor
Thank you Gary. Actually, I am a newbie and this is my second model. Thanks again for your comment.
 22 May 2014, 11:28
Looks like your to a good start. I build 1/48th scale armor. Gary
 22 May 2014, 11:43
Murad ÖZER
Congrats! 👍
 22 May 2014, 11:45
Mehmet SITKI ULUK Autor
Thanks Murad..
 22 May 2014, 11:53
Es-haq Khosravi
Great job!
 22 May 2014, 14:52
Michal Z.
wow, great one! 🙂
what colours are you using? it's italery acryl on back of the picture?
 22 May 2014, 17:49
Julian Herrero aka Yuri
Wow,,,,, nice model,,, even more as your second model. Congrats!!
 22 May 2014, 19:01
Mehmet SITKI ULUK Autor
Thank you all.. I have some Vallejo colors for now. There are many specific colors for different vehicle types and this is good for a beginner. I prefer to do practices on cheap models until I trust myself 🙂 Mostly I have troubles on mud effects at the moment, but still trying..
Your opinions and comments encourages me. Thanks again.
 23 May 2014, 06:54
Anthony Flanagan
Well done! 👍
 23 May 2014, 10:56
Erhan Atalay
Çok da güzel tamamlanmış, a koyalım mı😉
 23 December 2014, 08:38
Mehmet SITKI ULUK Autor
Erhan bey çok teşekkür ederim, açıkcası acemiyim ve bu ikinci yaptığım model idi. Layık bulursanız eğer onur duyarım.
 23 December 2014, 10:12
Erhan Atalay
ne demek 🙂
 23 December 2014, 10:23
Bill Davis
Man, that looks good!
 23 December 2014, 12:26
Szilárd Kun
Nice work.
 23 December 2014, 12:44
Carlos Medrano
Great work, you are a natural!
 23 December 2014, 12:56
Hanno Kleinecke
Wow, I wish my second one would have looked like this !
 23 December 2014, 13:37

Album info

This is my second model..

15 imagini
1:72 Sd.Kfz. 173 Jagdpanther (Revell 03111)

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