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Brad Bronov (bbronov)

Amodel Yak-28L


2 16 June 2014, 06:20
Roland Sachsenhofer
Magnificant! Great build of a tricky kit -and a very good looking model, great!
 16 June 2014, 06:33
Stefan Schneider
I agree! Very nice result for a kit that was not easy for sure.
 16 June 2014, 13:43
Frank Krause
I love such old jetplanes. The metal finish comes out good. 👍
 16 June 2014, 13:45
Brad Bronov Autor
Thank you all for your kind words.Of course, as the modeler, I see all the flaws, know all the problems, and am aware of all the shortcuts I took...and I mistakenly assume you all see them too, but that's just my own perfectionist's insecurity talking. I'm happy with it too...but I think it will be a while before I build another Amodel kit or NMF subject...
 16 June 2014, 14:45
Es-haq Khosravi
Really nice one!
 24 October 2014, 02:22
Tricky kit, but, your work is awesome! Congratulation
 24 October 2014, 10:44
Great model, very well done. I love this aircraft.
 24 October 2014, 18:42
Christian Ristits
 24 October 2014, 19:12
Dave Flitton
Nice work, clean finish.
 24 October 2014, 19:45
John E
Very nice build of an interesting subject. Well done, mate! 👍
 2 June 2015, 02:16
Clifford Keesler
Very well done.
 2 June 2015, 03:12
Ulf Petersen
I agree with John. Cool model, Brad!8) 👍
 2 June 2015, 04:59
Carlos Salazar
Good work on a very special warplane!
 2 June 2015, 05:46
Hanno Kleinecke
Beautyful Bird with great nmf ! Well done !
 2 June 2015, 06:19
Soeren R.
Looks really great!
 2 June 2015, 06:22
Bart Goesaert
nice build, and not the most easy one...
 2 June 2015, 11:29

Album info

Photos of my finished Yak-28

25 imagini
1:72 Yak-28L (Amodel 72102)1:72 KK-2 (NeOmega E2)

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