Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet E "Patrouille de France"
1 16 August 2014, 09:51

Nice and clean build Stefan, Great result, wonderful display 👍
17 August 2014, 07:11

Stefan, I really like your dedication for proper looking aerobatic aircraft- wonderful model, she looks like a real winner in ervery way!!!
17 August 2014, 13:50

Ein absoluter Blickfang!! Übrigens danke für den Link zum Baubericht: wollte schon nach mehr Fotos schreien🙂
17 August 2014, 19:03

I have forgotten to add some pictures of the bottom side and other details. Now here they are. And many thanks for your comments.
19 August 2014, 19:20
Album info
Here are some pics of my finished Alpha Jet "Patrouille de France" with special markings from 1995 "50th anniversary of the end of WW II". More pics and the story of building you can find her: kitchecker.de/dassau..-von-kinetic-in-148/