3 November 2014, 10:31

What's that?!? Did the whole crew vanish into the closet box? 🙂
Anyway, great scene!👍 It's just that a few figures would bring more life into it.
5 November 2014, 11:28

LOL. Spot on Ulf. It is still a WIP. Figures are underway. I do like your thought though..."Ah yeessss they are all inside the shipping container for a......um.....briefing. Yeah that's it! A briefing."
5 November 2014, 20:57

Haha! Sorry, there was no explanantion at all to your pictures. The scene lookes finished, thats it!😉
5 November 2014, 22:45

A great Diorama, and the "Port-a-loo" gives it character. I am impressed by the whole package. well done Craig. 🙂
5 November 2014, 22:49

Amazing detail a look to take in, love the graffiti. A job well done. You may have mentioned it...is it 1:32 scale?
5 November 2014, 23:02

Andrew it is 1/35. Accurate Armour Jackal 1. I now have go back and replace the Commander's GPMG. I'd replaced the AA one with a Live Resin 240B - now that I have their more correct Mag58 I have to re-do.
This one almost wasn't. As construction was completed I had a little accident. An email with the good folks at Accurate Armour and replacement parts were on the way. The figures are still in progress.
Gentlemen, thank you all for your kind words.
6 November 2014, 07:20

i really want to see those figures now... diorama is great. with the figures must be fantastic!
2 December 2016, 18:27