Academy F-16I Sufa
Photo 1 of 5
37 20 November 2015, 14:18

Agree.. I really like the sufa because of its amazing camouflage. it really pops out
20 November 2015, 15:40

thank you. the kit is quite good, with nice details and fittings.
20 November 2015, 16:36

...and if to tell you this is Bernhard, that he is an artist too, you have to believe it 🙂 🙂 🙂
21 November 2015, 14:02

Thank You, All. Yes Urban Gardini... it was build OOTB. Kit is ok... only thing i wish I has was a white metal landing gear for the front wheels.
22 November 2015, 14:41

I'll take that recommendation to heart, I've this kit in my stash, nice to know what it might need in advance. Beautiful job by the way!
22 November 2015, 15:06

Amazing job, what colours did you use? Espcially the sand and the green look spot on.
7 January 2016, 12:04

Hi Heico, the sand colour is a basework of Tamiya XF-59Desert Yellow, topped with Tamiya XF-57 Buff (lighter shade). while the green is basecoat XF-71 Cockpit Green and top lighter shade is XF-21 Sky+drop of XF-4 Yellow Green
27 January 2016, 10:40