Bugatti 35BVedere: Prezentare de diapozitive Mozaic Listă 1January 13, 2016 2January 13, 2016 3January 13, 2016 4January 13, 2016 5January 13, 2016 6January 13, 2016 7January 13, 2016 8January 13, 2016 Comentarii 1 13 January 2016, 23:15Ben STONEStunning 14 January 2016, 01:23Steve DesarzensGreat !!! 14 January 2016, 11:12GaryBeautiful !!!! Gary 14 January 2016, 17:36scalematesexcellent! 👍 (please assign it to a project, so it becomes visible on the page of the kit you used) 14 January 2016, 17:39Ricardo Gonzalez RamosReally nice Work. 14 January 2016, 18:29Michel HuijghePerfect 👍 14 January 2016, 19:18Urs Harter AutorThank you all for your comments 🙂 14 January 2016, 21:52Chris GreathouseIncredible! Love it! 24 May 2019, 23:26NeulingTop build and presentation! That blue is gorgeous. 25 May 2019, 14:04Project infoBugatti 35B8 imagini1:24terminatToate albumeleVizualizați toate albumele »