Revell - Shackleton Mk.2AEW
5 March 2016, 15:29

It's coming together nicely, Pity more of the inside can't be seen when it's sealed up.
9 March 2016, 23:15

Fine. 🙂
I have to finish this one until Fürstenfeldbruck ...
This is going to get tough ....
16 March 2016, 18:54

Fürsty? Na, dann kann ich mir die ja ansehen! Ich wusste gar nicht das revell den Rumpf in Hälften angelegt hat. Schöne Nieten! Und interessanter Bau!
16 March 2016, 19:28

Thx mates.
I assembled the first engine (props to be exact) and it was much more nitty gritty stuff than expected ...
22 March 2016, 19:48

I think this will become a impressive beast of a plane. Will folow this one!
24 March 2016, 07:42

The build was straightforward but not simple. Fit is good to excellent. Only the divides fuselage is a little bit annoying.
19 April 2016, 20:38

Ok, thanks for that.
Maybe I will give it a try, after I ve build the Airfix kit - someday 😛
19 April 2016, 20:40

Ah, finaly, the result.
Realy, realy great. 👍
Looks beautiful to me. 🙂
20 April 2016, 07:22

Das wäre ein Grund mehr, beim nächsten mal in Osdorf vorbeizuschauen🙂 großartiges Ergebnis!
30 April 2016, 20:33

Vielen Dank. Der Trum befindet sich gerade in Süddeutschland. Mal sehen wie ich den hoch kriege.
30 April 2016, 21:48

Nice kit, Mine just turned up along with the Zvezda Boeing 777-300 kit. I also brought the Eduard resin wheel set for both the Revell kit and the Airfix Shackleton kits. The Revell tire tread pattern doesn't look right (just strait lines across the tire!) no square checker tire tread. (Look at photo #80 in Marc's above folder) And as the mainwheels are so large this really stands out! 🙁
1 May 2016, 00:15