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Ricardo Cornejo (samolet)

Tu-104A, OKB-144, escala

Photo 1 of 7


11 April 2016, 04:55
Bernhard Pethe
Pure nostalgia . The Russian airliner the first hour I always look to me to be happy . 👍 Amodel has now made a Tu- 104 in the Program .
 12 April 2016, 20:28
Bernhard Schrock
It's stunning what for a beauty you done from this kit (I held this kit in my hands and left them) Ricardo! Great photos.
 13 April 2016, 02:52
Ricardo Cornejo Autor
Thank you both, same name! ... Is a model of lower quality but perseverance prevailed. Greetings.
 13 April 2016, 03:02

Album info

Maqueta short run con imperfecciones que hay que corregir, transparencias opacas, pozos trenes de aterrizaje cerrados por lo tanto hay que fabricarlos. Detalle paneles en sobre relieve y equivocado (lo borré completamente y lo volví a re-escribir con un cuchillo tipo bisturí bien afilado usando planos de la revista Mir Aviatsii).

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