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Tufan Özkaynak (deluge)

Zvezda Mi-26 Halo


19 18 May 2016, 08:18
Harry Eder
What a monster! Great job 👍
 18 May 2016, 08:40
Ulf Petersen
Most impressive! 😮 👍
 18 May 2016, 08:50
Holger Kranich
Doh, thats a big Boy!👍
 18 May 2016, 08:54
Really good.
 18 May 2016, 16:40
Martien Lourens
I have this kit to. It is a giant. You made a excellent model out of this kit. Well done .
 18 May 2016, 17:13
Tufan Özkaynak Autor
thanks mates..
 18 May 2016, 20:27
Very clean build - great work!
 18 May 2016, 21:03
Clifford Keesler
Very nice job.
 18 May 2016, 21:51
Tufan Özkaynak Autor
thanks guys...
 19 May 2016, 07:12
Julian Herrero aka Yuri
Good work !!!
 22 May 2016, 14:53
Tufan Özkaynak Autor
thank you Julian...
 3 July 2016, 18:24
Lex Jassies
Looks very impressive!
 3 July 2016, 20:48
Tufan Özkaynak Autor
thanks Lex...
 14 August 2016, 22:06
huge monster, and a really beautiful job you have done with it. fantastic.
 14 August 2016, 22:36
Björn Leichsenring
Very impressive.
 15 August 2016, 07:12
Tufan Özkaynak Autor
thanks guys...
 16 August 2016, 21:46
I only recently learned the specifics of this massive and powerful helicopter. Were I ever wealthy I think I would want one as my residence, a truly mobile home! Imagine the scenic places you could take it to! ^_~ Jokes aside, I've been looking over your' works and you are an amazing builder! I haven't been keeping track of my projects very well and my camera is limited to a cell phone so I've been hesitant about posting; I'm nowhere near your' skill level! Anyway, great work, I look forward to seeing more of your' builds!!
 26 January 2017, 14:47
Ed Froix
Nice and clean build
 26 January 2017, 14:48
Darren Cannell
Wow! Very nice! Such Clean lines.
 26 January 2017, 15:02
Julian Herrero aka Yuri
Very good !!!! that's really huge !!!! Well done !!!
 26 January 2017, 19:04
Tufan Özkaynak Autor
thanks mates...
 24 February 2017, 23:04
Amazing model Tufan. I've always been fascinated with huge Russian Helicopters.
 25 February 2017, 14:47
Stephan Ryll
wonderful work on that kit 👍
 25 February 2017, 16:08
Tufan Özkaynak Autor
thank you guys...
 5 March 2017, 12:38
Jay Mountain Goat
Applause! The subject itself is eye catching as it is, but your representation of this helo is amazing. Very tidy work and perfectly detailed.
 5 March 2017, 15:15
Tufan Özkaynak Autor
Thanks Jay.
 9 March 2017, 19:55
Hey man, what paint did you use for the exterior? Awesome build by the way.
 10 September 2021, 00:50
Alex Rodionov
Nice realisation of a rather difficult kit. 👍
 10 September 2021, 03:24
Gary Victory
Really lovely build Tufan. Top job Sir.
 10 September 2021, 06:21
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Gorgeous, Tufan 👍
 10 September 2021, 06:54
Guy Rump
Great build 👍
 10 September 2021, 07:35
Q: What is the main rotor blades diameter?
 10 September 2021, 08:16
Robin (WhiteGlint)
@Treehugger: It should be around 44cm.
 10 September 2021, 09:37
Clifford Keesler
A great looking heilo. Well done.
 12 September 2021, 00:27
Tufan Özkaynak Autor
thank you mate.
 14 October 2021, 20:50

Project info

12 imagini
1:72 Mil Mi-26 "Halo" (Zvezda 7270)1:72 Mi-26 Halo interior (Eduard SS356)

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