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Hister Farjas (Hister)

First Order TIE Fighter

Photo 1 of 3


25 July 2016, 04:04
Nathan Camarillo
Hey quick question, when watching the film's hanger scene the light grey panels looked metallic, did you go that route or just keep them grey? Trying to decide how to do mine.
 14 February 2017, 06:26
Nice looking Tie fighter. Did you use the decals for the window Frames and how they were applicable ?
 14 February 2017, 07:17
Hister Farjas Autor
Well better light grey anyway the light do not enter ny the small window, and it was masked old school, very easy is line panel, no took long
 14 February 2017, 07:25
Nathan Camarillo
Looks great man thanks!
 14 February 2017, 15:51
Hister Farjas Autor
Tnan you
 14 February 2017, 19:58

Project info

3 imagini
1:72 First Order Special Forces TIE Fighter (Bandai 0203219)
Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems TIE/sf Starfighter
First Order

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