Sea King HC.4 'Junglie'
Photo 1 of 43
5 8 August 2016, 19:57

Hi mate, nice scheme!. is there any upgrade in this project?, or just OOB(?)
21 February 2017, 18:00

I didn't know if rivets would be needed but your pictures say: YES!
Nice work!
21 February 2017, 20:42

Thanks all! @Ice Not all as straight/tight as they should be...😉 @Marc - this one straight out of the box
21 February 2017, 22:05

@Gorbygould: thanks very much. Too small/complex pattern to airbrush for me, so I did it with the old-fashioned brush
21 February 2017, 22:06

looks really good. i am hopeless with a brush for anything bigger than 1 mm .
22 February 2017, 00:09

Thanks! Totally agree, although Malasia and Iran do good 'camo paintjobs' too 😉
22 February 2017, 15:25

Thanks! Still a bit sloppy here and there, but it's getting there. I am scratch-upgrading the rotor as well, Airfix didn't put much detail in that area. Next up: first coating and decals. Also trying to think of a cool way to recreate the external cargohook/undersling. All suggestions are welcome! 😉
2 November 2017, 10:32

looking good so far. Will you also add a dark grey wash on the white parts?
2 November 2017, 12:06

Look forward to seeing the final result. As you say, Eduard produce some terrific add-ons.
2 November 2017, 12:23

@Bart: definately! This is only the first layer.
@Mike: takes some more time, but with 1/32 it's absolutely worth the extra
2 November 2017, 15:44

Great progress, I like the effect of the worn white paint, looks v.realistic 👍
17 March 2018, 19:54