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Gary Brantley (texgunner)

HobbyBoss Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17F

Photo 1 of 11


14 January 2017, 01:21
Excellent job on the build and paint job. Cheers
 14 January 2017, 07:27
Gary Brantley Autor
Thank you ForestFan. I appreciate your comments a lot! 🙂
 14 January 2017, 13:20
Sebastian Meyner
Great work! Love the paint job
 14 January 2017, 14:39
Gary Brantley Autor
Man, that paint job intimidated me at first Sebastian. But, I've come to terms with it by now and like it fine. It was a bit of a challenge to paint with the old Paasche H. Thanks for the reply Sebastian, I appreciate your support sir. 🙂
 14 January 2017, 15:04
A very convincing paint 👍 👍 👍 clean built and class 👍
 14 January 2017, 15:18
Gary Brantley Autor
Jens, thank you for posting your comments! I'm glad that you like her. 🙂
 14 January 2017, 15:20
Very nice Gary! The camo looks excellent!
 14 January 2017, 15:50
Gary Brantley Autor
Cool, I'm glad you like it gorby! Thanks for replying my friend, much appreciated I assure ya.🙂
 14 January 2017, 15:53
Kevin Struemph
That looks really excellent! You managed to deal with the fit issues very nicely and the paint scheme really complements your efforts.
 16 January 2017, 21:35
I'm not the biggest fan of these old jets but this one is looking awesome! I would definetly place it in my showcase. That camo looks great and is soooo nicely done. Congrats!
 16 January 2017, 21:41
Gary Brantley Autor
Thank you Kevin and ice! Thanks for taking a look at the old warrior. 🙂
 17 January 2017, 00:47
Danumurthi Mahendra
love the tight lizard camo work. decals looks real flat and hugging. was it decals or mask?
 17 January 2017, 01:20
Gary Brantley Autor
Thanks Danumurthi, I 'm glad to hear your comments! The markings are decals.
 17 January 2017, 01:40

Album info

This was my first Hobby Boss kit. The plastic in this kit was sort of odd; in some places it seems quite soft but it also seemed very brittle at times too. I broke several parts just removing them from sprues, and this sure wasn't my first rodeo. The fore and aft sections of the fuselage presented the next challenge. There was a terrible fit between the two sections. After I had them together, I found that it looked like "a bear's *ss sewed up with a grapevine" (old sheet metal saying there…). Out came the Bondo and I went to work evening things up. Next step was re-scribing all the lost detail. The wing to fuselage fit sucked too, and I spent a few sessions wrestling that into shape. Then, I somehow lost one of the front gear doors and had to make another one. Believe me, I was quickly losing my passion for this build even though the MiG-17 was a long-time favorite of mine.

I wanted a MiG-17 of the North Vietnamese Air Force. I had looked at several paint schemes for this plane and finally decided on one.

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