HobbyBoss Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17F

Man, that paint job intimidated me at first Sebastian. But, I've come to terms with it by now and like it fine. It was a bit of a challenge to paint with the old Paasche H. Thanks for the reply Sebastian, I appreciate your support sir. 🙂

Jens, thank you for posting your comments! I'm glad that you like her. 🙂

Cool, I'm glad you like it gorby! Thanks for replying my friend, much appreciated I assure ya.🙂

That looks really excellent! You managed to deal with the fit issues very nicely and the paint scheme really complements your efforts.

I'm not the biggest fan of these old jets but this one is looking awesome! I would definetly place it in my showcase. That camo looks great and is soooo nicely done. Congrats!

Thank you Kevin and ice! Thanks for taking a look at the old warrior. 🙂

love the tight lizard camo work. decals looks real flat and hugging. was it decals or mask?

Thanks Danumurthi, I 'm glad to hear your comments! The markings are decals.
Album info
This was my first Hobby Boss kit. The plastic in this kit was sort of odd; in some places it seems quite soft but it also seemed very brittle at times too. I broke several parts just removing them from sprues, and this sure wasn't my first rodeo. The fore and aft sections of the fuselage presented the next challenge. There was a terrible fit between the two sections. After I had them together, I found that it looked like "a bear's *ss sewed up with a grapevine" (old sheet metal saying there…). Out came the Bondo and I went to work evening things up. Next step was re-scribing all the lost detail. The wing to fuselage fit sucked too, and I spent a few sessions wrestling that into shape. Then, I somehow lost one of the front gear doors and had to make another one. Believe me, I was quickly losing my passion for this build even though the MiG-17 was a long-time favorite of mine.
I wanted a MiG-17 of the North Vietnamese Air Force. I had looked at several paint schemes for this plane and finally decided on one.