Curtiss P-40N, Mauve
1 13 May 2017, 13:42

Good job on that one! 👍 Always had a soft spot for those big shark mouths 🙂
13 May 2017, 14:05

Wow Bernhard what a fantastic model of my favourite warbird! He looks very mean with it's mouth and those Zuni's! Really high qualty build Bernhard 👍
13 May 2017, 14:59

Excellent looking P40 my father was a Flying Tiger in WWII so it's always been a favorite of mine
13 May 2017, 15:41

The ultimate sharkmouth plane,excellent ancient build of yours, Bernhard !
20 May 2017, 18:32

Shoddy work by the geound crew. There's air needed in those tires. 🙂
Thanks for spoiling us once more with your excellent work Bernhard
21 May 2017, 11:22
Album info
Yesterday I noticed that there are several "older" models, which are not published on internet yet. One of them is my Mauve kit built about 2000-2002.