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Evgeny Brovkin (aZrael)

Mil MI-24P

Photo 1 of 35


5 20 February 2018, 05:26
excellent job Evgeny 🙂
 20 February 2018, 18:24
Very nice. Congratulations!
 20 February 2018, 20:10
Evgeny Brovkin Autor
Thank's mates. I will try to make photos of two Mi-24 together (1/32+1/72) later🙂
 21 February 2018, 07:19
Very nice job Evgeny😉
 21 February 2018, 07:31
Łukasz Gliński
Very neat and the Yak looks great too.
 21 February 2018, 14:16
Brilliant work. 👍
 21 February 2018, 17:48
Roland Sachsenhofer
Great work!
 21 February 2018, 17:52
Stephan Ryll
Very clean build 👍
 21 February 2018, 18:41
Clifford Keesler
Very nice.
 21 February 2018, 19:15
Nikolaos Kouzinis
Nice job!!. What number of colour the fuselage is painted Evgeny?
 21 February 2018, 21:31
Evgeny Brovkin Autor
Thanks mates!!

2: nikolaos kouzinis
Can't find correct color out of the bottle. Make own mix of gunzer hobbycolor H317 (90%) and H5 (10%)approx. But unfortunately - it's not so good as I'd wanted - real copter have different shade🙁
 22 February 2018, 07:12
Alec K
Great work indeed 👍
 22 February 2018, 12:45
Tim Bukto
Nice Yak-130 as well! 😉
 23 February 2018, 11:00

Album info

New zvezda kit.
My first helicopter.

35 imagini
1:72 Mi-24P "Hind" (Zvezda 7315)

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