MyAlbumVedere: Prezentare de diapozitive Mozaic Listă 123456789 Photo 1 of 9Comentarii 2 7 September 2018, 05:13PierreI love your work on the army green. 7 September 2018, 06:58Dave FlittonBeautiful!!! Where did you get the detail parts? 7 September 2018, 19:09Chang-Young Park Autordetail was used by Legend's M113 APC Detailing set The barrel is made of mini shelf. 8 September 2018, 02:41Project infoM113A1 - Fire Support Vehicle9 imagini1:35terminatM113A1 FSV Australian Army (1901-now)134700Vietnam War - VietnamOlive Drab Toate albumeleVizualizați toate albumele »