1/35 T-60 construction
5 December 2018, 15:03

First the instructions do not match the parts, and now apparently this is a join. I can tell this is going to be a "fun" one...
And naturally I have no filler, and no money to get any. Wonderful.
And yes, turns out this kit is simply a rebox of the AeroPLAST T-60. Yaaay...
I wish I could have afforded the Miniart one.
5 December 2018, 15:05

Working my way through slowly, the instructions just don't really match the kit at all, there's a few bits I really just have no idea where they are supposed to go.
5 December 2018, 17:08

If you take a photo of the parts in question and post them here, I'm sure someone will help out.
I'm an aircraft nut, so I wouldn't have a clue.
5 December 2018, 18:00

That is a challenge to build - that is a massive hole in the front.
5 December 2018, 18:07

Yep, lovely joint right there, and no filler either.
Think I worked out where one of the parts goes though, and I may have an idea for the other.
5 December 2018, 18:28

Managed to get one of the fenders on in the right place, although I am rather worried about getting the track under it. Also found out that the kit includes no grille or cover of any kind for the engine vents. However I do have this mesh stuff left over from the Tamiya 1/35 Tiger II I made, which I think I may be able to use.
6 December 2018, 09:44

Fixed the gap Soviet style! Used a lot of glue to melt the plastic, squeezed it together, and stuck in a few little slivers of excess plastic to fill the larger gaps.
If anyone asks, it's a welding seam. >~>
6 December 2018, 11:18

This T-60 kit doesn't include the exhaust pipe.
Now what...
6 December 2018, 11:25

Ok, I found it, apparently it's a different style to what I was expecting, one small part instead of a long pipe and a muffler. I blame the terrible instructions!
6 December 2018, 11:46

Everything on except tracks, running gear, engine grille, and exhaust pipe. Ready for priming once the glue dries.
6 December 2018, 12:21

Put some glue in a spare jar, add sprue, wait for the sprue to solve -> filler!
Good improv work 👍
6 December 2018, 12:53

These tracks were a hellish nightmare to get on, and now they are actually on, I have to wait for them to dry, and then try and remove them in one piece WITH the wheels attached to them so that I can paint them. x_x
6 December 2018, 14:32

Mistercraft's kits are like a lottery but for the price are very interestig. 🙂
7 December 2018, 12:42

Well, it's a rebox of the Aeroplast kit that has been around for years.
7 December 2018, 12:55

Not the most easy kits, but looks well built so far, hence the quality. To hide the weird thing at the front you can sand the slope of the upper glacis plate in the top of the lower glacis plate to make a sharp V. Then you need a small amount of filler at the sides (or some scraped sprue that you glue and sand...)
7 December 2018, 13:04

Next thing really is to try and get the tracks on the other side to the right shape so I can then start painting.
7 December 2018, 13:19

Tracks (and wheels) sprayed black. Next step is to move on to painting the tank itself!
8 December 2018, 14:07

Ordered this, think it will come in handy. 🙂
8 December 2018, 15:28

My paint set arrived and the painting is going well! These Vallejo paints are excellent. 🙂
9 December 2018, 13:17

Dark green base coat is done! Next step is details and weathering (once this dries).
9 December 2018, 14:42

Been having fun making an absolute mess, but on purpose for a change!
9 December 2018, 16:20

Painting and weathering is now done, once it dries next step will be clear coat and decals. As you can see using the leftover mesh from the Tiger II worked out great! 🙂
10 December 2018, 09:28
Album info
Construction of MisterCraft 1/35 T-60 model kit.