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M3 "Buford"

Photo 1 of 7


10 January 2019, 12:54
playtime 222
Curious - why Buford?
 24 March 2019, 12:29
Gagarin Autor
Surname of both a Confederate (Abraham) and Union (John) general during the American Civil War, thus avoiding any controvesy in nicknaming this "what-if 1942" ...
 24 March 2019, 12:47
Gagarin Autor
Tamiya M3 Grant, but engine deck (to make it look like an M3A5 with side doors welded shut), long 75 and wheels are parts not for use from a Dragon Sherman, turret comes from an Italeri LVT4 closed with some evergreen sheets (because it's a tank not a TD, HMC or GMC), ventilation fans from Takom M3, still have to add Bronco tracks ...
 24 March 2019, 13:01
Gagarin Autor
I know, it's definitely a rivet counter's worst nightmare ...
 24 March 2019, 13:26
playtime 222
Thanks for the reply. Not an armour expert but not ignorant either so was wondering 😄
 24 March 2019, 20:46

Project info

7 imagini
In progres
1:35 M3 Grant Mk I (Tamiya MM141)

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