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Szabolcs Szana (Syabee79)

1/72 Revell Avro Shackleton AEW.2

Photo 1 of 12


72 2 February 2019, 08:24
Bernhard Schrock
Excellent build!!! Especially rivetet surface and weathering! Top. Do you have WIP -pictures?
 2 February 2019, 10:11
WOW! That's stunning!
 2 February 2019, 12:05
Stephan Ryll
Very nice result indeed 👍
 2 February 2019, 12:29
Eine Augenweide! Perfect.
 2 February 2019, 12:35
Nice painting work. Congrats!
 2 February 2019, 19:41
Tom Ballhoff
I wish I could do something like that
 2 February 2019, 20:10
Calvin Gifford
Great job!
 2 February 2019, 20:26
Oleg Bogolei
Super model!
 2 February 2019, 21:12
Nathan Dempsey
Nice! Well done.
 2 February 2019, 21:26
Great build... I like this ugly bird ????
 2 February 2019, 22:08
Bernd Korte
That's just beautiful!
 3 February 2019, 09:12
Stefan Fraundorfer
A very impressive model.
 3 February 2019, 09:28
I am not familiar with the aircraft type but it looks like a lovely build.
 3 February 2019, 09:31
Burkhard D
Excellent work, a real eyecatcher!
 3 February 2019, 10:27
Szabolcs Szana Autor
Thank you guys!! 🙂
 3 February 2019, 18:45
Lovely old shack there 🙂
 3 February 2019, 18:47
Christian Lehmann
Very nice!
 3 February 2019, 18:53
stunning Szabolcs , just take a picture with a nice sky background and it would look like the real deal. congrats!
 12 February 2019, 10:43
Beautiful model and very realistic paint job 👍
 12 February 2019, 10:57
Zbynek Honzik
Great job again! Very realistic weathering! 👍👏👏👏
 1 January 2024, 12:42
David H
Gorgeous, makes me feel like building one myself .. true work of art 👍🏻
 1 January 2024, 21:55
Kyle DeHart
Ahh great work!! I'm sorry I didn't see this one earlier but I built one myself. I absolutely loved this kit. Wonderful job on yours.
 2 January 2024, 05:00
Waow, a master piece!
 2 January 2024, 07:21
David Taylor
 2 January 2024, 08:46
Johne 69
Well done Mate 👍
 2 January 2024, 08:47
Michael Kohl
What a beast. What a beautiful model.
 2 January 2024, 11:04
David H
Never seen one in real life 😢 but those FOUR contra rotating props must have aural symphony !!
 2 January 2024, 18:29
 3 January 2024, 06:20
Impressive model, great job!
 3 January 2024, 09:08
Gábor Vermes
HUH!!! It's the most beautiful Shack, what I have ever seen... Absolutely it is like a real plane! Congrat Szabolcs!
 3 January 2024, 10:07
 3 January 2024, 14:29

Project info

12 imagini
1:72 Shackleton AEW.2 (Eduard CX439)

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