B-25G Mitchell "double"
2 12 May 2019, 19:20

This is going to be a straight forward build, Hasegawa kit parts are a pure joy to assemble! They only modifications necessary is narrowing the cowling around the exhausts, because this racing- Hurricane got a pair of exhausts similar to those on Spitfires. This is done with putty and small sheets of plastic card for an accurate boundary. Another modification concerns the antenna- just not assembling the antenna mast and sanding down the fuselage back.
12 May 2019, 19:28

A few pictures of the actual state of the racing-Hurricane: all surfaces have been prepared, filled and sanded to get the preshading applied. "De-militarization" had caused minor filling and sanding work.
21 May 2019, 16:36

With it´s coat of preshading the Hurricane looks still rather military- but I am keen to let the glittering blue outfit follow!
26 May 2019, 16:27

The "King´s Cup" project has confronted me with the dilemma of creating a monochrome surface that is vivid and credible. I've already sanded down and re-applied the mixed shade twice. You can see the latest status here: now I hope to have provided enough "life" and to have prepared a satisfying last coat of paint.
1 June 2019, 20:11

Great looking project, Roland. That blue is quite dark, is any of the pre-shading going to be visible?
2 June 2019, 02:22

That is what I thought seeing the recommended shade of dark, tinted blue applied- and that was the cause to re-sand the whole surfaces. Meanwhile I can report that it does work: the resulting blue has a certain "depth" where the preshading can play its intended role.
Pictures of this Hurricane will follow soon.
2 June 2019, 08:29

Chris, thank you for your remark!
The decals are been applied- with the final surface color has been put on before of course. The result looks a little bit dusty in the photographs but should be turned into a quite elegant looking plane I guess! 🙂
2 June 2019, 17:47

I am very happy to announce the finish of this very special Hurricane: the last to have been produced, one of the last still flying, a film star… and it played its role in a great love that should not be.
I guess this deep blue and golden livery of Hawker turns this sturdy thoroughbred to something really elegant. And have you ever thought a Hurricane to be a racing bird?
I hope you like the outcome!
8 June 2019, 18:36

Thank you Chris! The Hurricat really looks great in blue, I think so too.
8 June 2019, 20:06