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Maciej T. (Thalgonis)

Bv 141

Photo 1 of 5


17 25 October 2019, 20:56
Maciej T. Autor
Thank You Roland 🙂
 26 October 2019, 07:05
Stephan Ryll
Very nice work 👍
 26 October 2019, 08:35
Maciej T. Autor
Thanks Steohan 🙂
 26 October 2019, 17:19
Apache 36
Excellent work
 16 January 2023, 04:43
Weird looking aircraft, well done!
 16 January 2023, 09:54
Michael Kohl
and the winner of the Bv141-masking challenge is: T. Maciej. Congrats. 🙂
 16 January 2023, 10:10
Maciej T. Autor
Michael: I am touched! I would like to thank the Academy...
Aaaa, that's not the gala 😉 😛
 16 January 2023, 13:49
Rui S
Well done 👍
 18 January 2023, 23:24

Project info

5 imagini
1:48 Blohm & Voss BV141 (HobbyBoss 81728)1:48 BV 141 - S.A. (Eduard 49699)

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