My first dioramas
Photo 1 of 13
1 24 December 2019, 02:13

What a large Dio! Your landscape is great, and your vehicles are wonderful.
24 December 2019, 03:10

You are too kind. I'm really enjoying this forum guys. Good to see all skill levels here...
24 December 2019, 03:14

I don't know if you know about friends yet, but if you hit action>> under someone's name, on their page, you can add them... This will flood the Newsfeed with projects and posts from the people you friended.
24 December 2019, 03:25

Search "Connections - Mates & Following" on the faq page.... in fact the whole faq page is good to read.
24 December 2019, 03:42

Better than my 1st dio! Have plans to make 4 large ones but mainly do small ones.
24 December 2019, 14:35

Here's a few more pics, though they may belong in separate albums...
25 December 2019, 21:42
Album info
This is my very first humble attempt at a diorama. It's actually a difficult skill to acquire, with quite a learning curve. Gotta start somewhere!