2 12 May 2020, 05:13

Nice, like those special colors/schemes. It's like this F-6F collided with a Bell X-1 🙂
2 July 2020, 20:14

Thank you so much Mark and Łukasz! Being Dutch, orange always tickles my imagination. Although a difficult color to spray, it didn't come out that bad. This was just a practice build for an upcoming Eduard kit. Actually the one where the decals came from. More orange to follow! 😉
3 July 2020, 02:05

Perfect choice Mark! 🙂
Ergens in mijn to-do stapeltje staat die er ook nog bij. 👍
3 July 2020, 13:52

You're welcome Alec! The Tamiya lacquer paint range sprays beautiful, it's the bright colors that were acting up, but I guess that's independent of paint manufacturer or type of paint. A modelclub member advised me to spray a yellow or buff base coat before the orange. I'll try that on my next orange project.
3 July 2020, 13:54

I love these drone F6F's. I recently airbrushed acrylic Tamiya orange over white primer and it came out very well as well.
3 July 2020, 14:07

Hi Ben! I primed the kit in Mr. Surfacer White, but had to sand out some blemishes and the underlying grey plastic showed through. Idiot me decided to go ahead anyway and those grey patches kept on showing through all the way. Even so, the orange had a very hard time turning orange from the initial orange-pink. Maybe I over thinned the orange. Either way: my learning curved took a steep climb. 😄
3 July 2020, 15:06