Willys Jeep DioramaVedere: Prezentare de diapozitive Mozaic Listă 1July 13, 2020 2July 13, 2020 Comentarii 2 13 July 2020, 21:32JDThat looks cool already! I'll watch. 14 July 2020, 00:44Martin Dubovszki AutorThanks JD! I don't know how fast I can progress with this since this counts as a side project next to the Sherman Firefly. 14 July 2020, 07:03Rui SLooking good. I'm in 👍 16 July 2020, 01:04Spanjaardi am in too 🙂 22 July 2020, 20:45Project infoEngine is fried2 imagini1:35In progresToate albumeleVizualizați toate albumele »