PAC 40 and Opal BlitzVedere: Prezentare de diapozitive Mozaic Listă 1July 20, 2020 2July 20, 2020 3July 20, 2020 4July 20, 2020 5July 20, 2020 6July 20, 2020 Comentarii 1 20 July 2020, 20:27J RNice vignette, love the weathering on the Blitz 20 July 2020, 20:33Eddie * AutorThank you, I believe this was the first time I tried colour modulation and Flory Washes. 21 July 2020, 12:14Project infoPAC 40 Gun and Opal Blitz6 imagini1:76terminatToate albumeleVizualizați toate albumele »