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Jakub Chlodek (Grinder84 )

Me 262 B-1a/U1, Hobby Boss 1/48 , OOB + Pe seatbelts + some scratch

Photo 1 of 16


15 9 August 2020, 08:31
Rui S
Great work, beautiful model👍 Excellent.
 9 August 2020, 20:15
Jakub Chlodek Autor
thank you!
 9 August 2020, 21:43
Those Hobby Boss Me 262s are great builds, and you've done yours proud.
 9 August 2020, 22:11
Nathan Dempsey
Great build.
 9 August 2020, 22:26
Mike Grant
Very nice 👍
 10 August 2020, 01:41
Jakub Chlodek Autor
Thank you gentlemans!
 10 August 2020, 03:57
Tom M
just a wonderful plane
 10 August 2020, 04:08
Top notch! Great paintwork.
 10 August 2020, 12:56
wow, that is great looking 262!
would be great to see a WIP album 🙂
 10 August 2020, 13:49
Jakub Chlodek Autor
so little time to do WIP documentation...with 2 little kids on the back?impossible 😉
 10 August 2020, 19:25
thanks for taking time to make pictures of finished product then 🙂
 10 August 2020, 19:44

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