19 17 October 2020, 09:52

Hi mate, do you have the Norwegian decals from the kit?
Would you sell them to me?
Greetings Adonis
23 July 2022, 07:05

Great choice of airframe - however "misusing" this kit comes consequences! The modellers God condems you for not taking the opportunity to build a RNoAF Viper 🙂 Be aware Adonis - the RNoAF roundels from Hasegawa are a bit off in size and colour. If you can find a Vingtor set, it will improve the look of your RNoAF Viper. All the best to both of you and your builds from Norway!
26 July 2022, 05:28

Correction: I do not have the 48-144 set, I have a different set from Vingtor.
I have the 48-115 set.
I have the 1:48 RNAF Vingtor decals, unfortunately, none of the roundels are in register.
That means.. the roundels with red, white, and blue, doesn't look right, there is an offset and so, the three printed colors aren't symmetric. Might be fixable, but I haven't really looked at it to try fix it yet.
Sadly, Vintor decals is not Cartograph quality, or they weren't when I got mine.
26 July 2022, 11:57

Vingtor is definantly Cartograph quality these days - one of the best decal providers around today.
And not only for RNoAF subjects. If you want to part with the 48-115, just let me know. I live in Norway, but most of you suspect this I gather...🙂
26 July 2022, 16:00

… and back to the USN topic: beautiful work and a perfect paintjob 👍
27 July 2022, 07:05

I know this aircraft went through various camouflage and marking iterations but none that I know of show markings and stencils in black bar the 53 on the intake. What decals did you use? Any photographs you have to confirm your markings? I can't find any.
27 July 2022, 09:30

The decals are provided by Kinetic in the kit and the research is by Fightertown. There are errors in the decals and they are noted in my article:
In summary:
The tail flash is too big
The 'RESCUE' arrow is the wrong shape and has the wording in the wrong font
The stencilled instructions for canopy release are wrong. They should be smaller and in a dark grey box
There are no little arrow-shaped markings at the wing trailing edge/horizontal stabliser leading edge on the fuselage sides of the real thing
The circular stencils around the nose should have a pale coloured dot in the centre, not a black dot.
27 July 2022, 19:08