Scalemates Messerschmitt Bf 109 Group Build 2020
48 18 October 2020, 19:42

Great start Patrick! And welcome to the group build! Which all started in a Whatsapp groupchat 😄
18 October 2020, 21:13

Thanks Erik! I keep postponing my Tomcat Group Build entry, but hey, I joined this one. 😄
18 October 2020, 21:22

Especially this Tamiya kit! It literally falls together! Subassemblies can be painted separate and induced into the final build with no witness marks whatsoever. 👍
18 October 2020, 21:26

Yes that is a nice extra, Patrick! Good luck with the build mate 👍
18 October 2020, 21:30

Could easily fool me for a 48th scale... what a nice clean build 👍. Following!
18 October 2020, 21:42

That spinner spiral sure looks clean, did you have any trouble getting it on?
19 October 2020, 03:40

Thanks Sergej, Jos and Michael! Yes Sergej, the cleanliness of this build is all on Tamiya; parts can be painted separately and be joined later on, the parts fit dead on; only a hint of Extra Thin in an inconspicuous spot and it's all constructed. Michael, the spinner/propellor is divided in a spinner back plate, a three bladed pro and the spinner itself. After painting each part independently, I glued everything together with a tiny amount of CA. After that I applied all three sections of the decal at once to align them together. The main spiral left me with two tiny folds, but copious amounts of Solvaset got them snuggled in eventually.
19 October 2020, 17:02

Welcome on board Michael! Always honored to have you come in for a closer look.
23 October 2020, 15:53

Ah the Tamiya shake and bake.. Great Progress Patrick
Following 👍
23 October 2020, 15:56

It truly is a shake n' bake! 😄 If I hadn't f-ed up the research beforehand. 😉
23 October 2020, 15:57

Picture #5, Gunze Super Chrome is also my no1 discovery for everything silver-like. 👍
25 October 2020, 22:01

Nice progress Patrick...great to see your dedication to your build!
1 November 2020, 16:41

Thanks Jos and Roland! typically I'm not into WWII German aircraft, because their development lines are so overly complicated and shrouded in wartime chaos and that makes it hard to find the right (color)schemes for a chosen build. Researching a German aircraft would bring me into a completely different realm. I chose this build as a quick OOB "Follow the Tamiya instructions" build, but found out they are actually interpreting an older source. New findings led me to alter some of the kit's details to correspond with those new findings. And then.....this group build happened: It's on!!! 😄 Just ticked off the RLM 76 marble coat and I'm now progressing to the top colors. More to follow for sure! 😉
1 November 2020, 20:54

A very nice and comprehensive build log! 👍 I like it! Looking great!
12 November 2020, 10:59

Welcome Martin and thank you all for your comments guys! 👍 Hopefully this afternoon I'm able to apply an overall gloss coat and hopefully that evens out any blemishes from the decal solution. More to follow! 🙂
12 November 2020, 17:20

I now apply a coat of clear before & after the decals. I apply it before to prevent the blemishes from the decal solution. Some time I even apply it after installing the smallest decals to make sure I don't remove them while manipulating the aircraft.
12 November 2020, 17:36

Very nice paintwork Patrick... Colors and Camo are on spot sir 👍
12 November 2020, 18:03

Thanks Guillaume and Daniel! 👍 @ Guillaume, I figure you would use an acrylic as a clear coat? As the decal solution ate through what I consider a really durable lacquer coat.
12 November 2020, 18:46

I always use the Tamiya XF-80. I don't what type of clearcoagt it is tough.
BTW I really like the sharpness of the wings camo.
12 November 2020, 21:03

Thanks guys! @ Guillaume, Tamiya is a hybrid acrylic, meaning that the binder is an acrylic that can be thinned with either an acrylic thinner or a lacquer thinner. Tamiya then acts as either of those types of paints without being truly that type of paint if that makes sense. I spray Tamiya only when I need a specific color and then thin them with Mr. Leveling Thinner, thus using them as lacquers. I might however, follow your example and will use XF-80 as an acrylic to introduce a barrier between the paints and the decal setting solution.
14 November 2020, 00:59

Remembered that I had some Alclad Aquagloss and used that instead. Not really comfy with the higher psi needed for the stuff and it sprayed quite thick. Either way, started sanding down those decals and for the most part they seem to blend in better. Only another gloss coat will tell for sure, but that's another weekend job. 😉 Whiskey first! 😄
14 November 2020, 04:38

"Just a quick in between project"? it's looking awesome, way to nice to call it an in between. Keep up the good work and would love to see the end result.
17 November 2020, 09:12

"Just a quick in between project".... he says..... what a beautiful 109!
18 November 2020, 08:47

Well, as I mentioned earlier, I'm not particularly into WWII Luftwaffe, so I thought to just build it as Tamiya intended. I guess my AMS kicked in after all. 😉
18 November 2020, 17:06

Apart from the exhausts and the gun barrels this is an OOB build. I only added those parts (and the masks) to be quicker than super detailing those parts by myself. 🙂
18 November 2020, 17:08

Bf 109G-6 Erla 9./JG54 February 1944 Obslt Wilhelm Schilling | Album by Hagel (1:72)
Tried to take some better pictures of the finished bird. It shows I really need to invest in photography and the needed skills for that. 😉
20 November 2020, 23:21

@Finn, I wasn't a fan of 109's either, but they are growing on me. Nontheless, thanks for your nice comment!
@Daniel, the Erla factory had a different mottling pattern which is harder to replicate as the patches are more pronounced. Thanks for noticing!
@Sebastian, thanks again! 😉
20 April 2022, 12:34
Album info
Just a quick in between project I want to add to the existing Group Build.
Construirea grupului

Scalemates Messerschmitt Bf 109 Group Build 2020
1. octombrie pana cand 31. Decembrie 2020
1. octombrie pana cand 31. Decembrie 2020