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Torsten (TWN)

Star Wars Star Destroyer 1:14500

Photo 1 of 9


8 28 November 2020, 16:22
"If they follow standard Imperial procedure, they'll dump their garbage before they go to light-speed." S'pose I'll follow this build like a bounty hunter at a garbage chute. Does this kit have the pre-drilled fiber optic holes or is that exclusive to the lighting kit version?
 28 November 2020, 19:08
Torsten Autor
Exclusive, I'll build it for my son, he got it from a pal after a travel for studies to Japan
 28 November 2020, 21:54
Nathan Dempsey
Following. A nice kit. One of our local club members is currently building this kit as well.
 28 November 2020, 23:30
Torsten Autor
THX for following.

I think the build goes fast, because the parts are not so much. They are very clean and all fits well. The details are awesome at this tiny model. I hold the new AK 3rd Gen colors and will try to add the details by color. I'm not the light specialist, so the color is the challenge.
 29 November 2020, 07:32
Torsten Autor
It's finished, but after I have seen the pics from the back, I think it needs a little bit correction with the blue color ASAP. THX for looking!
 4 January 2021, 14:33
Nathan Dempsey
Nice work Torsten.
 4 January 2021, 15:59
Torsten Autor
Thank you Nathan 🙂
 4 January 2021, 16:09
looks good to me.
 4 January 2021, 23:22
Torsten Autor
Thank you JD 🙂
 5 January 2021, 08:24
Dash Rendar
Great work!
 15 February 2021, 15:51
Torsten Autor
Thank You Dash 🙂
 15 February 2021, 15:53

Project info

9 imagini
1:14500 Star Destroyer (Bandai VM001)
Kuat Drive Yards Imperial II Star Destroyer
Galactic Empire

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