Admiral Graf Spee 1939 in 1/700
Photo 1 of 44
13 15 December 2020, 19:20

Thank you for the interest 👍 And yes, that´s my rather friendly part-holding Styrofoam-Berg
22 December 2020, 16:33

Sieht echt gut aus, vor allem bin ich vom Detailgrad überrascht in dem Maßstab (Jenseits von Flyhawk jedenfalls)😄
Die Torpedowerfer haben mehr Details als die von meiner Academy Spee in 1/350... 😄
22 December 2020, 20:49

Had to sideline work on this a little, as time was taken up by some real life stuff, but I finally managed to get a large portion of the painting done 🙂 Thus: Weathering ahead!
18 January 2021, 17:56
Album info
I am building Trumpeters/Pit-Roads 1/700 scale Deutschland-class heavy cruiser Admiral Graf Spee in her 1939 fit when she was on her final vojage to meet her destiny in the southern Atlantik.
I have been fascinated by the German "Pocket Battleships" for a while now, as their concept and devlopment history is quite interesting both technically and historically. And the vessel looks really nice... so I have to build it 🙂
WEM hotoetch is being used as well as some Flyhawk injection AA weaponry which should be better than the kit parts. Other than that however, the kit is rather nice and fits well enough