Amfibiebil 101 WIP
15 8 January 2021, 21:36

First round of airbrushing is done, some dark green for th interior. Next will be some detail painting and weathering.
9 January 2021, 14:41

Danke, naja Spaß ist relativ, die 60 Teile der Wanne und des Fahrwerks waren eine ziemliche Qual, alles mit massiven Fischhäuten und teils groben Angüssen. ...aber jetzt läufts.😉
9 January 2021, 16:59

Ich habe schon ein paar Mal überlegt, ob ich das Ding erwerbe, denn meine zwei Unimog-Bausätze von ACE schauen prima aus, wenn auch etwas umständlich aufgeteilt. Sollte ich die schaffen, kommt der Stalwart. 🙂
9 January 2021, 17:50

@Mirko, schön zu hören, dass der Unimog besser aussieht, der reizt mich irgendwie auch noch.
10 January 2021, 11:39

Weathering on the chassis and in the cabin is done, maybe I add some dust later.
10 January 2021, 11:39

Started with the windows today, first time for me with this type of film, but it works really fine.
17 January 2021, 15:33

Finished the crane and the rims, the tires still need a flat coat and some weathering. The Stalwart is nearly ready for paint, only some little bits are missing.
8 February 2021, 14:48

Excellent work on one of my favourite military vehicles.
Only last week I bemoaning the lack of affordable Stalwart kits in 1/35. You might temp me to get one in 1/72 instead.
8 February 2021, 15:33

Thanks Lukasz, I´m glad it turned out well.
@gorbygould indeedit´s a shame that there are only the expensive resin kits in 1/35, but Stalwarts are rare in all scales. Neither Airfix did one of this iconic british trucks.
10 February 2021, 19:40

lots of variants of this truck.AA do them in 35th but are not cheap.
11 February 2021, 10:34

I started to wonder on which side the steering wheel is, but I see the Stalwart's designers were smarter 😄
11 February 2021, 12:35

The 1/35 Accurate Armour models look fantastic, but £110 is well past my budget. 🙁
The Alvis factory used to be quite close to where I lived, so we would see these amazing things trundling around the streets quite frequently in Coventry. Which is probably why I've got a bit of a thing for them.
11 February 2021, 13:51

Looking real good. I have one of these in the stash, hope it builds as well as yours
12 February 2021, 03:06

@Dave Flitton, I´m sure it will, at the end it´s a nice little kit. Of course it needs some special attention in a few areas but it´s not bad at all.
13 February 2021, 22:33

Started the final painting today, first was a layer of Gunze H58 for the bright green parts.
13 February 2021, 22:34

Camouflage is finished, next steps will be clear coat and weathering.
15 February 2021, 17:57

@Zsolt Czegle, danke, ja, bin auch schon gespannt wie der Stalwart am Ende wirkt, muß mir noch Gedanken über eine passende Base machen.
16 February 2021, 17:23

@David Taylor, you're absolutely right, it´s a completely different look for the Stalwart. I also like the british camouflage pattern, may I build my second one in black and green.
16 February 2021, 17:25

Some progress with the weathering, I added some more dust useing Tamiya xf-52.
8 March 2021, 17:53

If its running you will have to have the exhaust glowing hot.Magnet for missiles.
8 March 2021, 19:31

Interesting fact. Let's pretend, mine was just started a minute before. 😉
9 March 2021, 17:21

Thanks Mirko, I´m glad it turned out that well. Was my first time with such heavy weathering on a modell.
11 March 2021, 20:07

The Amfibiebil is done, the base alos is ready for the last step, casting the water.
14 March 2021, 13:57