Takom M60A1 with ERA Build Album
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7 18 January 2021, 10:06

Steps 1-7 complete - mostly. I intentionally left some parts off the top of the hull to make it easier to fix it to the lower body. Fortunately the fit was perfect - no gaps to fill!
I haven't really run into any problems so far and I'm impressed with the level of engineering that has gone into this kit. More Takom kits in the future for me!
18 January 2021, 10:20

Steps 8-15 complete. Somehow managed to make a mess of putting the towing cables? into place. I think doing them late at night after a long session at the table was the reason - that and trying to be a perfectionist!
That said I'm happy with how the hull went together in the end. Some not quite perfect fit issues here and there but overall I'd say this is a very well engineered kit. Just the turret to build now (and all that ERA) but I'm going to lay down the primer on the hull and wheels tomorrow.
12 February 2021, 19:04

Steps 16-18 Complete (Basically I've started the turret and built some of the ERA). I had a slight delay priming the hull and wheels as I decided to buy a new airbrush - the Mr Hobby Procon Boy PS 289. Then once that arrived I thought why not buy a bigger and better airbrush booth? with the new airbrush and booth in place and ready to go the inevitable happens...my compressor decided to die.
With a new compressor sorted I could finally try out both my new airbrush and the Ammo by Mig One Shot primer. Both I can report are excellent. The hull, wheels and sprockets are primed. I'm just awaiting another paint supply to drop and I'll then basecoat the hull A-Mig Khaki #071. In the mean time I will finish off building what remains.
2 March 2021, 10:13