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Martin Grafeneder /Matl
Martin Grafeneder (Martin Grafeneder /Matl)

Mil Mi-26 Halo

Photo 1 of 125


126 2 April 2021, 10:11
Robin (WhiteGlint)
👀 👍
 1 May 2022, 10:18
 1 May 2022, 18:28
Very nice job so far 👍
 28 June 2022, 20:08
Bas Tonn
 28 June 2022, 22:21
Peter de Bruin
Following 🙂
 29 June 2022, 18:18
Simon Nagorsnik
Impressive work so far!
 29 June 2022, 18:26
Tom B.
That is one big chopper! Nice work 👍
 1 July 2022, 10:44
Juergen Klinglhuber
Nice detail work and tons of rescribing/riveting 👍 good work !
 8 November 2022, 06:48
Martin Grafeneder Autor
Thank you to everyone who tries
 8 November 2022, 10:50
 8 November 2022, 13:43
Villiers de Vos
Very nice progress.
 8 November 2022, 18:26
Bernd Grün
Very interesting start, Martin.👍 Following!
 8 November 2022, 20:09
Harry Eder
Looks fantastic so far! 👍
 8 November 2022, 20:11
Martin Grafeneder Autor
Thank you too and thank you for your interest
 9 November 2022, 10:18
Martin Grafeneder Autor
Hello guys, a small update main rotor is ready

 5 March 2023, 17:04
Robert Podkoński
Great work on this model - detailing od the rotor is awesome.
 5 March 2023, 19:13
Bernd Grün
I fully agree with Robert. Awesome work! 👍
 5 March 2023, 21:13
Impressive work, looks great! 👍
 6 March 2023, 07:10
Juergen Klinglhuber
👍 alle Achtung....nice work on the rotor head - !
 6 March 2023, 18:07
Bernhard Schrock
Impressive work especially the rotorhead and 236485 rivets! 🙂.
 6 March 2023, 18:19
 8 March 2023, 07:26
Awesome, would love one of these girls in 1:48
 8 March 2023, 08:43
Villiers de Vos
The rotor head came out very nice.
Call me slightly off my rocker, but if the Sikorsky CH-54A Tarhe can be done in 1:35, I would fork out money any day for a Mi-26 in 1:35 🙂
 8 March 2023, 16:12
Martin Grafeneder Autor
Thanks guys for your appreciation, I'm trying the best👍
 10 March 2023, 05:25
Wow... great job and fantastic result so far 👍
 10 March 2023, 19:04
Volodymyr Sitnik
Awesome model

Last time i saw this giants at Sevastopol helicopter plant i was 10 y.o.

Huge white Chopper with UN markings ,very impressive

Nice Job!
 26 March 2023, 16:33
Amazing progress so far, especially with the paintjob! 👍
 27 March 2023, 08:53
Martin Grafeneder Autor
Thank you guys!!!
 26 April 2023, 11:46
impressive job. all the riveting must have taken your a long time. beautiful extra details. wow
 26 April 2023, 12:10
This is looking better and better - well done!
 26 April 2023, 12:18
Robert Podkoński
Looks fantastic already - the cargo bay looks soooo realistic.
 26 April 2023, 13:12
Alberto Michieletto
Wow, fantastic work! I love this heli!
 26 April 2023, 14:09
I agree with the mates 👌
 26 April 2023, 20:04
Łukasz Gliński
Outstanding job, not only in terms of size 😉
 27 April 2023, 14:03
Bernd Grün
Awesome! 👌😎👌
 28 April 2023, 06:33
Martin Grafeneder Autor
Thanks guys for your words and interest, hope you like the finished model

 29 April 2023, 16:30
No Martin, we don't like it...
...we Love it - amazing, realistic result, and for sure an eye catcher! 👍👍
 29 April 2023, 17:21
Robert Podkoński
I totally agree with Alexander! Chapeau bas!
 29 April 2023, 17:27
Fantastic build! 👍
 29 April 2023, 17:53
Very nice painting scheme and fantastic result. Awesome display base! Great job.
Congrats for the prize!
 29 April 2023, 18:28
James C
Very nice work on that monster Halo! 👍
 29 April 2023, 19:23
Absolutely great work!
Well done!
 29 April 2023, 19:32
Łukasz Gliński
Superb job mate! Well deserved prize 👍 Hats off!
 29 April 2023, 20:14
Congrats mate!
 30 April 2023, 05:50
 30 April 2023, 07:40
Bernd Grün
Outstanding build, Martin! Congrats! 👌👍👌
 30 April 2023, 08:17
Every praise you got here is well deserved!
 30 April 2023, 09:07
Martin Grafeneder Autor
Thanks guys for your positive words and interest.
It is very motivating for future projects.
Best regards Martin
 4 May 2023, 16:57
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 4 May 2023, 18:01
Very nice, congrats 😉
 4 May 2023, 20:22
Juergen Klinglhuber
Was für ein "Pracker" (in 2fach wahrstem Sinne des Wortes) - Super Ergebnis! 👍 👍
 5 May 2023, 17:14
Simon Nagorsnik
 5 May 2023, 17:32
Robin (WhiteGlint)
Very impressive! 👍
 6 May 2023, 08:21
Martin Grafeneder Autor
Thank you too😃
 16 May 2023, 11:12
Ludvík Kružík
A very well built model of this "monster". 👍 👍 👍
How does it fit in your display case? According to my rough calculation in 1:72 scale it measures over 55 cm with rotor. 😉
 16 May 2023, 12:09
Harald Besold
Impressive model. Very well done!
 16 May 2023, 18:58
Very impressive work on this massive heli. Great result!!!🙂
 17 May 2023, 07:54
Zsolt Czegle
Great work! 👍
 17 May 2023, 09:46
Martin Grafeneder Autor
Thank you guys,
@Ludvík Kružík, unfortunately I don't have a showcase where there would be space. The model is not permanently connected to the base. A magnet is built into the main rotor so it can be removed just like the tail rotor.

 17 May 2023, 16:29
Ludvík Kružík
Your solution with the magnets in the rotors is brilliant. Simple and functional.
 17 May 2023, 19:50
Rui S
Great Work. 👍 Slava Ukraine
 20 May 2023, 21:57

Project info

125 imagini
1:72 Mil Mi-26 Halo (Zvezda 7270)1:72 Mi-26 Halo Interior (Eduard 73356)1:72 Mi-26 Halo Exterior (Eduard 72507)4+
Mil Mi-26 Halo
UA Повітряні Сили України (Ukrainian Air Force 1992-now)
7 Helicopter Brig. 61
Kalinov, Lviv

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