Airfix 1/72 BAC Canberra 1SQN RAAF A84-227Vedere: Prezentare de diapozitive Mozaic Listă« Prev12Next » 1234567891011121314 Photo 1 of 14Comentarii 7 26 May 2021, 08:20Bernd KorteFollowing with interest! Did you rescribe the panel lines? 28 June 2021, 10:36Mark Crees Autoryes, rescribed all the raised panel lines 28 June 2021, 23:53Łukasz GlińskiNiiiice, once I complete my Frog/ZTS rebuild I have to look for that bomber-canopy version too 👍 26 July 2021, 11:31Mark👀 26 July 2021, 11:37Project infoBAC Canberra B(I).6 A84-22714 imagini1:72terminatToate albumeleVizualizați toate albumele »