Beyond my limits...
50 13 July 2021, 12:23

Thanks, Bughunter. Thanks, Mark - it really was beyond my limits...;)
13 July 2021, 12:37

Thank you, Spanjaard. I think I will never again try to assemble such a tiny model (my sight deteriorated since then...)
13 July 2021, 15:26

What!!! How the.....? Gasping in amazement.... Astonishing work, Robert 🙂
13 July 2021, 16:33

Thank you, Bruce 😉 The kit itself is very well designed - the engine and front wing support is one, folding photo-etched part together with the triangular shaped fuselage front. Nevertheless it was a challenge not to feed the carpet monster with any part, since there are no spares...
13 July 2021, 16:57

🙂 I was going to ask for photos of that... for (perhaps) obvious reasons... I do have the Aeroclub 1/72 short run kit in my stash... but I'm still afraid to tackle it... To deal with this in 1/144 is quasi-unbelievable! Every praise you got is well deserved! 👍 👍
13 July 2021, 18:22

Thank you all, David, Mark, WhiteGlint and Alex, much appreciated 🙂
13 July 2021, 19:25

Ypu must be using an electronic microscope for sure - excellent result Robert !
13 July 2021, 19:55

Thanks, Hanno. Now, I need glasses for reading (and modelling...). When I assembled this kit I needed only glasses to drive my car 😉
13 July 2021, 20:02

👀 It's so tiny plane in so tiny scale! This has required some serious skill. Well done!?
13 July 2021, 20:18

Thank you S M 🙂 Patience and steady hand, yes...serious skills, not really. I would rather say a lot of determination and perseverance 😉
13 July 2021, 20:37

I'd not even try it (having very similar issues with my sight) 😄 R-e-s-p-e-c-t! 👍
14 July 2021, 11:28

Thank you, Jv and Simon, much appreciated! @Simon: I am sure you would make it look much better than I did 😉
3 February 2022, 15:30

I don't know if that's true because somehow I don't have the right feeling for airplanes😄
3 February 2022, 15:46

Great work. I'll never be able to do such small things. Congrats. By the way there is a kind of foolish guy in France, who own's a real one. It seems that is very tricky to fly it.
3 February 2022, 17:01

Thank you, Michael 😉 I heard that it has a tendency to flip over upside down...
3 February 2022, 18:12

Thank you, Richard and thank you, Neil, much appreciated 🙂
4 February 2022, 14:36