A Danish "Katie"
4 26 September 2021, 17:09

The "Katie" is such a lovely vehicle - got to build mine sooner or later... 👍
28 September 2021, 00:43

It's really cute! The big top decal on the ambulance is just annoying; it's size makes it a bit unhandy and it covers up the two holes needed for the last pieces
28 September 2021, 06:37
Album info
After WWII Denmark got say least 14 Austin K2/Y - this is s model of those. Taken from a RAF Emergency Kit, so the colour of the truck will be army green instead of the tan used in RAF and the uniform will go from the RAF Blue to a more khaki toned reflecting the uniforms used from around 1945-1950. The uniforms were based on the British uniforms and were originally grey-green-brown colour in 1944 to a yellow-brown from 1945. The uniform was in use up to 1958/59 where it was changed to M/58