Unimog - progress
20 30 December 2021, 20:03

Unimog? I am in, of cause. Nice to see what you get out of the Revell junk. Great weathering.
2 March 2022, 23:46

Did you shorten the wheel base or does it only appear to me like it? Interesting conversion. Which kit did you use for that? And the resin wheels make all the difference of course
3 March 2022, 08:17

@Michael Kohl, yes, you're right. I have shorten the wheel base. I found this picture pinterest.ru/pin/437904763773179178/ and have decided to build Unimog based arm crane.
As a base for my building I have taken Revell kit UNIMOG (Lkw 2t tmilgl) (Revell 03020, 1:35)
But according my idea the truck should have short base and I decided to short the frame of the model. It also required to make some changes in transmission and engine exhaust system. I didn't use any additional conversion kits because I didn't found them.
I shorted my Unimog according this picture: [img1]
The prototype of Revell kit is something like U1450 with wheel base 3250 mm. I wanted to build U1400 with the base 2650 mm.
Of course I didn't achieve high accuracy of the prototype reflection, but I seem my Unimog looks like U1400.
I think the resin wheels is the better options for a car model.
3 March 2022, 18:30

@Dietmar Bogatzki thanks! Yes, you are right, this kit is very difficult for assmbling. To build this kit looks like to assemble something from firewood 🙂
3 March 2022, 19:10

Hi Sergey, thanx for the elaboration. Now your build will be even more interesting. 🙂
3 March 2022, 19:22