M46 Patton Korean War
Photo 1 of 7
31 24 January 2022, 23:06

Thanks a lot! Yes, somehow a cat can be bigger than a tiger 😄 What a weird world 😉
25 January 2022, 22:01

Great result and well presented!
The weathering is just perfectly and the tiger camo looks fantastic!
26 January 2022, 08:55

Did you paint the stripes with airbrush or normal brush. Amazing job either way 👍
16 June 2022, 11:59

@AntQ - thanks a lot! I wondered for a while, but ultimately decided to paint it with a brush. I used highly thinned Vallejo paints and the textured surface surely helped! I figured that it'll be a little overkill to mask it all twice! 😄
17 June 2022, 14:00

Thank you. I think I'll do the same. Which colour did you use for the yellow?
17 June 2022, 14:08

Basically I went with AK Real Color 008 Maize Yellow. I lightened it up a little to spray some highlights.
17 June 2022, 14:54
Album info
And here it is - a mighty tiger, somewhere amongst the cold Korean winter, slightly snowed, slowly getting ready to run.
Takom kit is nice to build, however the commander's cupola cast along the turret top is grey plastic... not something to be fond of. It took me several tries to get the glass look passable. Other than that I only changed the MG barrels to metal ones and add a coaxial gun barrel into the opening in the mantlet. I also livened it up a little by adding additional .30 cal on the front mount and some stowage on the turret's rear.
Everything was painted using AK Interactive RC colours and as usual weathered a little. Figures are MiniArt U.S. tankers.
Snow was made using the various snow effects from AK Interactive.