Sturmmörser - Sturmtiger
11 16 February 2022, 09:48

Thanks @Ricardo and @Alain for the likes/comments. I'm getting ready slowly but surely. 😉
16 February 2022, 12:54

This interior looks fantastic!
I would say it's very close to reality👌
Have to follow this project!
16 February 2022, 12:58

Please do not cover what you have done with the hull. It is very interesting to see the layout and your treatment does enhance the details.
16 February 2022, 15:04

Is my memory failing me or do the instructions specify a pale blue for the interior? I had my doubts about that but haven't checked it out as I'm nowhere near building it yet.
16 February 2022, 18:34

Yes John, you're right, according to the instruction manual the interior should be pale blue – French blue. I did some research on the net and I found that there was also cremeweiss colored interior, which I liked better.
17 February 2022, 14:23

@Olivier - Thanks for the comment, I'll not cover it with the hull, I planned to create an exploded view to remain it visible.
17 February 2022, 14:28