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M1117 Trumpeter 1/72

Photo 1 of 7


8 2 April 2022, 09:42
Tom B.
I really like the colour finish on your Guardian 👍 Did you run into any major issues with building up the kit?
 2 April 2022, 11:14
Gliterden Autor
Thanks mate. The problem with this and other Trumpeter models in 1/72 is that the model that appears on the cover of the box is in 1/48 scale and not 1/72. The kit is windowless and not include thus clear parts, doesn't have the same detail as the 1/48 version (bottom hooks need to be made, etc.), and some minor fit issues. The external mirrors are very poorly finished. Overall this kit is fun to make.
 2 April 2022, 13:35
Tom B.
Thx for the quick reply 👍 The "Trumpeter-Issue" with them showing their 1/35 models on the boxarts seems to be somewhat of a bad trend... have seen it way too many times :/
 2 April 2022, 13:59
Simon Nagorsnik
Oh yes, superb result!
That with the boxart from trumpeter on the 1/72 kit I always criticize.
It's not often what's written on it 😉
However, good job mate 👍
 2 April 2022, 14:04
Łukasz Gliński
Nicely done 👍
 2 April 2022, 20:01

Album info

M1117 M1117 Guardian Armored Security Vehicle (ASV)
Trumpeter | No. 07131 | 1:72

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