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Czegle Zso
Zsolt Czegle (Czegle Zso )

Hungarian BTR-80A


55 3 June 2022, 19:40
Zsolt Czegle Autor
Let's start the happening!
 3 June 2022, 19:41
Robert Podkoński
First row seat, please! 🙂
 3 June 2022, 19:43
Zsolt Czegle Autor
It will be a quick build! I still have ca. 30 hours... 🙂
 3 June 2022, 22:36
Christian Lehmann
 4 June 2022, 09:03
Zsolt Czegle Autor
Painted and highlighted. Decals are the next....
 4 June 2022, 11:23
Dietmar Bogatzki
Whoooow 👍
 4 June 2022, 12:23
Zsolt Czegle Autor
Decals applied! 🙂
 4 June 2022, 12:35
Tom B.
Oh, nice. I have finally aquired a metal barrel for my ACE kit, as I have planned to build this vehicle in KFOR markings for some time, too! Yours is coming along really well and I really like your airbrushed higlights 👍 I´ll be watching this while contemplating wether to add sandbag-armour to mine 🙂
 4 June 2022, 15:25
Zsolt Czegle Autor
Thank you mates!

The pinwash is done. I've still ca. 1 hours to finish it! 😉
 4 June 2022, 18:40
Zsolt Czegle Autor
Fading and highlighing with oils paints is done.  
 4 June 2022, 19:54
Michael Kohl
Count me in on that one to.
 4 June 2022, 21:02
Dave Flitton
Excellent work!
 4 June 2022, 21:31
Zsolt Czegle Autor
Thank you Michael and Dave!

It's finished. More better photos tomorrow by daylight.
 4 June 2022, 23:11
Robert Podkoński
Fantastic! Congrats!
 5 June 2022, 06:15
Dietmar Bogatzki
Fantastic work 👍
 5 June 2022, 08:15
Zsolt Czegle Autor
Thank you Robert and Dietmar!
 5 June 2022, 10:38
Rui S
Great work & paint job 👍
 5 June 2022, 12:54
Zsolt Czegle Autor
Thank you Rui!
 5 June 2022, 13:59
Zsolt Czegle Autor
As I promised I uploaded new photos.
 5 June 2022, 14:03
Michael Kohl
Shoot. That was quick. I am again impressed how you bring life to a monochrome finish.
 5 June 2022, 16:22
Zsolt Czegle Autor
Thank you Michael!
It was really fun to see the other mates to build the same model. The only difficult thing was the time, because I couldn't adhere to drying times...
 5 June 2022, 18:19
Zsolt Czegle Autor
I painted some little details and finished the base as well. Now the vehicle is really finished.

I took some new better photos at natural light.
 12 June 2022, 18:12
Zsolt Czegle Autor
I decided to add new (correct) wheels to my BTR.
 11 March 2023, 19:17
Villiers de Vos
A nice touch.
 11 March 2023, 20:43
Zsolt Czegle Autor
It's completed again with the new, correct wheels!
 15 March 2023, 08:29
Very good looking small scale work!
 15 March 2023, 10:23
Zsolt Czegle Autor
Thank you Villiers and Neuling!
 15 March 2023, 15:45
Gábor Vermes
Nagyon szép lett! Gratula!
 15 March 2023, 18:29
Zsolt Czegle Autor
Köszönöm szépen!
 17 March 2023, 18:36
Simon Nagorsnik
Ahh, new tyres, for sure, much better than the others 😁
 19 March 2023, 08:20
Zsolt Czegle Autor
Danke sehr Simon!
 20 March 2023, 06:29
Ben M
Looks great!
 2 April 2023, 20:20
Zsolt Czegle Autor
Thank you Ben!
 31 May 2023, 14:49

Project info

41 imagini
1:72 BTR-80 APC (Trumpeter 07267)1:72 ISAF-Afghanistan # 3. (Star Decals 72-A1102)1:72 BTR-80 A (Balaton Modell BM7208)3+
HU Magyar Szárazföldi Haderő (Hungarian Ground Forces 1990-now)


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